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 Red Light Records - News Update

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 272
Anmeldedatum : 27.10.10
Alter : 45

Red Light Records - News Update Empty
BeitragThema: Red Light Records - News Update   Red Light Records - News Update EmptyMi Nov 03 2010, 01:59

Red Light Records is now in its eighth year!! The label has been very well received from the start and has seen collaborations and remixes from the likes of Black Sun Empire, Concord Dawn, The Upbeats, Bulletproof, Mayhem, Psidream, Chris Su, Dose , & Rymetyme to name a few.

Red Light Records is now on Sound Cloud so to find out more on the latest releases start following HERE!!

The latest release on the label is from German Producer PROKTAH.


FAILURE NOTICE is Proktah’s debut release on the label, this tune hits you from all angles with its onslaught of steppy beats, snarling midrange and the type of deranged attitude Red Light Records is well known for.


PROKTAH reworks this classic from the label. An atmospheric intro builds into melodic stabs and mutated midrange, dropping into the kind of controlled Kaos Therapy you don’t have to take drugs or see a specialist to appreciate. Running, rolling and rather difficult to resist.

Coming soon on Red Light Records is the massive remix from NEONLIGHT of Optiv & Rymetyme’s “RUN IT RED” and a collaboration with HEDJ (rip) called “HAMMERHEAD”. For more info and clips check the new SOUNDCLOUD page.
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